Thursday, August 20, 2015

Trouble for the Duggars

You know them from 19 kids and counting a popular TLC show. Well you did know them. As if the Duggar family scandal wasn't bad it just got worst. A few months ago it was reported that Josh Duggar had been reported for molesting four of his younger siblings and a baby sitter.

A very popular site for men to cheat on there spouse the ever so popular Ashley Madison. This site has been having a scandal of its own. It got hacked. The hackers took every bit of information from names to credit card infos. Why did these hackers hack this popular website? Well to expose the liars and cheaters to this world. One of those names was Josh Duggar.

The first part to this that makes it interesting is he didn't have but one account he had TWO. Sad thing is to this one of those accounts was linked to grandmother's address. The second sad thing to this store is so he was insured an only meet he paid 250 dollars.

This man has a lot of things great in his life and in the past year or so he has thrown it all away and the only thing he can say is yes he has a sex problem. Let's not forget that he claims with the rape accusations he stated that he was curious about his siblings and just touched them in there sleep over their clothing.

Josh had an interview with a police officer named Joseph Hutchins who was convicted of having child pornography on him. In an interview Josh Duggar stated that he was asking Christ for forgiveness but yet he's on a dating site solely for cheating spouses. This just makes this one of the most interesting scandals ever that I've heard of in my life.

My thought on this is (and I'm a person who has been hurt and cheated on multiple times) why would you give up a good life to throw it away for so many stupid mistakes? Why would you sit there and ask for Christ's help when your turning around on a cheating site and looking to cheat on your wife? Because if I correctly remember no adultery was one of the ten commandments. Maybe instead of seeking the way of the Christian help you seek professional help because it sounds like you need help and shame on your parents for taking the route.

The Duggar parents claimed the girls were in no harm while there son was touching there daughters. As a mother of a little girl and a victim of rape. It's not ok it's not safe. If they could think about the damage this has probably done to those girls they would say its not ok. If someone did this to my child I would be beating someone I would be pressing charges doing everything in my power to make sure this incident didn't happen again. I would be making sure the man got help because I believe that anyone who can even think that a child is remotely sexy and can get off of that needs a head scanned.
I think not only Josh needs help but the Duggar family parents to let this go on and not think of there daughters safety all of there safety.

My next point on this is I feel sad for his wife. This scandal this new one he probably wasn't thinking how much it would hurt her. No man or woman does when there cheating. Unless they truly wanted to be with that person. If you were wanting to explore your sexuality do it before your married or OR don't get married and explore but don't cheat its hurtful not just to the spouse but to the kids involved. So it's kinda sad to think of the stuff she's going through. Especially, knowing now the insurance he put down to get a woman off this site.

The only funny thing to this is the joke on the people on this site cause comes to find out Ashley Madison was one big huge scam. Half the women profiles on this site weren't even real it was just a way for people to get rich. So, men can sit there talking to fake people thinking there going to get lucky. So, in honesty cheaters and liars jokes on you.

Want to know more about this huge scandal here's a link to one of the many articles:

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