Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Theater Shooting Close to Home

For a few years now we have heard about this on issue happening in the world. The major one the shooting in Colorado. What some of us probably don't expect to hear is that its hit close to home. Most theater shootings have a few people who have lost their lives. On August 5 a man entered the Hickory Hollow carmike 8 theater into where they were showing Mad Mike.

2 police officer of the metro police department were already at the scene of a vehicle accident. At 1:15 pm these officers were approached by a few people from the movie theater claiming that a suspect was inside the theater. This suspect had a gun, axe (hatchet), 2 backpacks and a surgical mask. Responding to this claim the police officers went into the theater. Inside the showing was a total of 8 people and a total of 20 on the property at the time.  When police officers responded into the screening the suspect fired a shot at the two officers the officers responded by firing back.

 This threat lasted for a total of 40 minutes when SWAT Team members shot the suspect and the suspect was claimed deceased. This suspect had gone into the movie theater and sprayed the whole theater with pepper spray. As for victims a 58-year old man was hit in the arm by the axe(hatchet) but it was a minor laceration and the victim will be doing fine. 2 females a 17-year old and 53-year old were sprayed directly in the face with the pepper spray. All 3 victims were treated as non-life threatening injuries and released. Only the male made a statement about the attacks and respectfully asked that everyone let them have there privacy so there family can cope with this tragedy that has happened. Which I completely and understand cause if the same thing had happened to e I would respectfully ask the same thing.

As for the suspect. It was first acclaimed that this suspect was a 51-year old white male. It was then later stated after much look into it that the suspect was then claimed to be 29-years old. The suspect Vincente Montano a resident of Nashville had been in trouble with the law before in 2004 for assault and resisting arrest. In the same year the man was committed to a health clinic twice in the same year. He was once again in 2007 commited to the health clinic twice that year. In 2006 Vincente had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

Now, I have never personally seen anyone who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia do some of the bad things they do. Really the only time I saw schizophrenia at its worst is the episode of ER where the schizophrenic patient took the cake knife that was going to be  used for a Valentines Day cake. The man turned around and stabbed a medical student and ER resident doctor.

The man involved in the incident today his mom claimed she hadn't talked to him since March 2013. I don't really know what to think. Maybe he had gone off his meds. It's many different possibilities we will never know. However one theory I do ponder is maybe he didn't intend to really do it to hurt people or be a theater shooting copycat. In my theory I think he maybe wanted to end things and just couldn't do it himself.

One of the things that led me to this conclusion was it was discovered that the gun he had on him was nothing more then a airsoft pistol. Another thing that happened was that bomb squad was dispatched because there was something in the 1st backpack Vincente wore on his chest. It had a item that looked a bit suspicious to the police. What the police decided to do was go on and detonate (blow up the backpack) to see the item. After this took place the police discovered that the item was nothing but a hoax bomb.

So, there was a few things that took place and with the paranoid schizophrenia he probably felt backed into a corner by the 3 victims and the police and it basically spiraled out of control. One thing I do know is that just like the Colorado shooting this was something that was planned out. Which has led me to also believe that is was a way for him to end his life. One thing I do know is that being the big hearted person I am my heart, my sympathy, thoughts, and prayers go out to his family and to the victims who were involved.

My question for this piece of news is:

How do you handle hearing bad news that hits close to home?
(I know some are going to say oh well I just go on about my day but still its nice to hear your opinion on matters like this)

If you'd like to learn more about this piece of news here's a link to News Channel 5 article:

(Don't forget if you'd like to then please feel free to comment below. If you'd like to as well you are more then welcome to share this article with your friends and get there opinions. Just please keep it mature cause well after all were all adults.)

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