Saturday, August 8, 2015

U.S. Coast Guard Finds Homemade Submarine

What could be the perfect way to start a Saturday than to read that United States Coast Guard busted Colombian drug runners after discovering a strange blue craft in the ocean. These runners were transporting 181 million dollars worth of cocaine to the US. While I'm grateful were able to stop one shipment of drugs entering the US this story has me thinking about all the ways drug dealers or anyone smuggle things into countries.

I've been watching the television show called Border Wars and the way some people smuggle drugs in are just crazy. They go up into cars and put this kind of extra storage hold in hopes that the feds won't discover it. Some work and then some fail to get through customs. 90% fail to be exact. It especially fails if the feds have an x-ray machine to x-ray your car and show. Most of the time they catch people because the person or truck looks suspicious.

 There was this one episode of Border Wars where patrol men searched this cargo freight ship that had its cargo full of tons and tons of sugar. When patrol men intercepted the ship and unloaded every bit of the sugar they found a large quantity of Cocaine in the ship.

And it's not just illegal drugs people try to smuggle just a few months ago in England a little boy was being smuggled through a suit case. Last month a man was smuggling cow eyes from his work in his butt.

People get smuggled everyday from Mexico to the United States. These guys however got 200 miles from the coast of Mexico. The men from Colombia managed to put 16 tons of cocaine into a 40 foot vessel and still manage to float.

They were discovered by a U.S. Navy Plane. Which the Coast Guard reported that the vessel only had an exhaust pipe. They were unable to see where they were going due to this and as the Coast Guard was pulling them to shore the submarine flooded and sank to the bottom of the East Pacific Ocean.

This only allowed the coast guard to recover 12,000 pounds of the cocaine that was stored on this ship. So, good news for the ship is they had a energy blasted day. The total of Cocaine that was discovered to have been put on the ship was a total of 16,000 pounds of cocaine.

What was also discovered was smugglers have been using this method for over a decade.

As mentioned before drug smugglers are finding new ways to bring drugs into the U.S. whether its taping it to little kids or to their own crotch or making special places in cars to smuggle.

Now, what the patrol has to actually do is search the suspicious cars and they start off by taking a long mirror on a pole and running it along the car if something stand out they then run it through an x-ray machine. If that doesn't work they literally disassemble the car.

If you watch the tv show border patrols on national geographic you will actually see that they pull out just more then cocaine. They've found marijuana, pills, crystal meth, and these smugglers have hid them in the floor bored under the seats or they've found these extra pockets that have been put on cars.

This kind of way to smuggle makes you wander how many more ways they do to smuggle drugs into the world.

For a look more into the article or a picture of the craft click the link below to visit Bam Margera's page:

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