Wednesday, August 5, 2015

37-year-old Tarzan

 37-year-old John Rodenborn (this name to me sounds strangely familiar I don't know why) was caught Tuesday August 4, 2015 swinging from Santa Ana Zoo trees. He went swinging and entering the zoo's animal exhibit's, while shirtless, claiming he was Tarzan. Now, ontop of being shirtless he was also covered in mud. When Santa Ana police arrived he was found climbing into a tree claiming he was trying to have a good time.

Zoo director Kent Yamaguchi asked Mr. Rodenborn to get down. Mr. Rodenborn had other plans as he did a lap and perched himself atop the waterfall of the black howler monkey exhibit. When finally caught police managed to confiscate crystal methamphetamine from Mr. Rodenborn (who was under the influence of crystal meth as well). After a bit police managed to arrest Mr. Rodenborn and charged him with minor charges of possession and being under the influence of a controlled substance and trespassing.

 Ok, I have seen times and heard of times where crystal meth and well any kind of controlled substance can make you act a certain way. Just like you have your many different kind of people when it comes to liquor. With alcohol you have the 'I love you', the angry, or the partier type of person. Drugs and meth work pretty much the same way but can be more harmful with your body and your social life. It can make us drive dangerous or make us hurt the people we love.

Never have I ever though heard of someone doing this. I mean including the angry rage people this guy just takes the cake for now. Well at least in my book takes the cake. Another thing I wanted to point out about this is that when you see the guys mugshot he looks like a. he can't feel a thing and b.he feels like he's on cloud nine with the birds.

Me, however if I plan to drink (which is all I ever do is drink rarely) I set myself limits so there's not a chance that I can get myself in trouble. As a teenager and I had my little rebellion from a lot of things in my life I got plastered bad to where I was a wild hyper person but becoming a mom I've set myself limits so a. I can stay safe and b. I don't get in trouble with the law. What kind of strategies do you use to be responsible when you are drinking or doing some of the things you do?

Want to know more about this news article or see a picture of Mr. Rodenborn you can check out the link below and see what I'm talking about:

(Don't forget if you'd like to then please feel free to comment below. If you'd like to as well you are more then welcome to share this article with your friends and get there opinions. Just please keep it mature cause well after all were all adults.)


  1. Lawd jesus. This guy is crazy. WTF.

  2. I want to add to my blog about some added effects from alcohol. I was reminded about when we drive under the influence how we don't put ourselves at risk but we put innocent people at risk. There's a good chance if someone by chance drove under the influence they could damage another persons life by killing there loved ones. When I think about this issue it reminds me of one of the episodes from ER in the very first season this drunk driver plowed into a family broke the dad's leg, put the little 5 year old girl in intensive care, and killed the mother. In today's society I have read news articles where a teen or someone's loved one whether there parent or there child is taken from this world because of alcohol and driving. It's why the law has cracked down on making alcohol and driving a serious issue.
