Thursday, September 3, 2015

What is in your child's school lunch?

The First Lady Michelle Obama has started this nutrition program for todays youth and young kids. The problem to this is what they serve. Either its not edible or its not filling for a kid. There's also some school programs that let starving kids who can't afford lunch to go hungry. A woman a while ago was fired for giving free lunches to little kids who were hungry. My thought on this is maybe its not the lunch she enforced but maybe its the school systems. There are school systems who don't care about to todays kids. There are schools who let kids go hungry or instead of a kid getting there education making them sit in a room because there clothing was inappropriate.

Today's school systems just plainly don't care about the kids. In the link below there's a series of pictures that kids today have posted about there lunches. One of these pictures was some kind of brown slop looking stuff with a batch of grapes. One which I believe was suppose to be a roast beef sandwich on a hoagie there was barely any beef!

NEWS FLASH School system!!!! Just because there is a nutrition act doesn't mean you need to stop giving the kids a decent meal. I seriously wish that I could just simply understand why people have to do this. There kids little kids that are the future of this country and people are wanting to treat them to slop. That's as bad as the day cares that drugs 3 year olds and younger with Benadryl so the kids take a nap. It's as bad as abusive babysitter's and parents that neglect.

Like the woman who was starving her kids because there was only enough food in the house for her. Really? I'm a single parent of a 4 year old and for sure she always comes first. If I have eat just a slice of bread to survive for a day I will as long as my own child is fed. This kind of thing right here makes me 100% sure the my daughter will take her own lunch.

Kids deserve a good meal and it isn't hard work to go into a kitchen and fix them a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Its not hard to take care of a child or be responsible. This kind of thing the head lunch lady needs a. to be fired and never hired again unless in a prison kitchen or b. needs to be reeducated.

Want to know more click the link below for the pictures and idea as to what I'm saying:
Thank you Michelle

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