Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hazing Gone Wrong

Let me picture this for you. Your a freshman in school the first chapter to your life without the parental. Your first little bit of freedom. You have the clubs, the classes, the activities, and the fraternities and sororities. Lately fraternities have not been getting that much of good publicity. From rape victims to this piece of news here.

Michael Deng was a freshman in New York just like most college students he was wanting to get into a fraternity. Most fraternities hazing's are not bad but this fraternities hazing it's out there. The fraternity Pi Delta Psi carries there freshman pledges out to a retreat in Pennsylvania, makes them strip down to just them run in this forest area with heavy backpacks, blindfolded, and the possibility of being tackled.

Deng suffered a serious head injury which was his cause his death. Along with the fact that this fraternity didn't get him immediate medical care. Now since this the fraternity has disbanded but in the process of this 37 fraternity members + five people have been charged with criminal homicide, involuntary manslaughter, aggravated assault and other charges. Others face assault charges as well as criminal conspiracy, hazing and hindering apprehension.

In other news where I live I've been following the Vanderbilt rape case. Where members of a fraternity at Vanderbilt University drugged a woman and raped her. This kind of situation is the thing happening with most fraternities.

I've read on most news websites that there are fraternities who are using date rape drugs, doing a bunch of stuff that's not mature and adult. I've seen first hand some hazing things like at the college I went to I saw a group of men in socks and underwear having to run around the whole campus and it was a chilly night.

There's tons of colleges doing this I've even seen hazing portrayed on television shows from fraternities even some as what Pi Delta Psi did. Shouldn't this be some sort of eye opener to ALL colleges? Maybe someone needs to make sure these college's sororities and fraternities know how to stay mature and not like little kids.

Maybe this is a lesson to all fraternities and sororities that you can get in trouble if you don't pay attention, do the right thing, and be responsible. Just because it's a hazing doesn't mean you shouldn't make sure your pledges are safe. The boys running around the campus half naked they could have been thrown in jail for that stunt or worse could have gotten hypothermia.

Hazing Gone Wrong

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