Friday, October 2, 2015

That's My Barbecue Rib

       61 year old Ethel Jane Banks has been charged with aggravated assault for beating up her brother over some barbecue ribs.

      As what started out as sibling arguments to Ms. Banks taking the argument to a new level by charging at her brother with a butcher knife. If this isn't the first time the police haven't been called to the residence back in June they had to call the authorities for another argument between Ms. Banks and another family member.

     Now we see them all the time or we hear about them and that's sibling squabbles or sibling rivalries but this takes it to a new level and it's not over a toy nor is it over hammy downs or something that happened when they were little. It's over food.

     Now, I can't make full judgment because I don't know there past history nor do I know if there was more or if it was just one. Maybe it's one of those love hate relationships? Maybe it's a there forced to live with each other ordeal? Who knows on the full story.

   What I do know is that wouldn't it have been better to just go get another rack of ribs or maybe the brother should have gotten his own. The bad thing I see on this is that there grown adults. This woman is 60 and trying to kill her brother over food. Don't you normally see that in squabbling younger siblings? Like in the 3-10 year old range?

For more details check out the article below:
Texas woman beats brother over food.

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