Friday, October 2, 2015

Life and Personal Bubbles

    All most all of us do this and that's take advantage of life. Yesterday 10 lives were taken and this morning on the View Candace Cameron hit it directly on the nail. She said, "Life is like a vapor. It’s so fast. We don’t know if we have tomorrow. We’re thankful if we’re breathing today." We all should be thankful. We should be thankful the minute we open our eyes because were able to breathe able to live one more day.
   You just had a bad break-up. While you sit there and think how much you want to die or crawl under that rock to never live life you should feel blessed that your here standing, breathing. You were just in a serious car wreck and you totaled your brand new car your parents gave you. Your sitting there in a hospital bed worried about the totaled car when you should be happy your alive and ok. For every bad moment that happens you should at least be thankful your still here.

   Candace mentioned that her daughter asked "what if I'm afraid to go to school". Candace said that she had to turn to her faith that Jesus will protect her. Now we all have our faith, our beliefs but the point of it was that were not stopping to think how lucky we are.

   If you don't believe me just look in your local news. Everyday you see murder, robbing, sexual assault.

  In this same segment they talked about Raven Symone mentioned we all have this pattern life. Have you noticed that most of the time mass shootings are because the person had a kind of problem with them? The theater shooting a few months ago here in Tennessee that man had a few issues and had been off his meds for a bit.

  This man was no different then that man he was sick and needed help and people noticed it but they said nothing or did nothing. Most of us do this even kids in school do this and that's stay in there personal bubbles. No one takes the time to stop and do something. Like a kid being bullied at school. Your going to see one person holding a camera and watching, one kid laughing, people walking by, and one person stopping to stare because they feel sorry for that kid. That same one person is going to sit there and is going to wish to say something but is going to be too scared to.

 This has me thinking maybe it's ok every now and then to step out of the comfort zone and try something new. Which once again is referenced to the taking life for granite. Most people are going to sit and waste there time doing nothing all day or playing video games all day when they can turn off the computer and go outside. Do something to make you say that you have joyous memories in your life and you didn't let it pass you by.

Candace Cameron hitting it on the nail.

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