Friday, September 4, 2015

Mother writes a letter to her daughter about Miley Cyrus.

Ok I know this news article just might get me in a lot of heat but I could really care because this celebrity has just become plain and simple....white trash. This mom wrote a letter to her daughter explaining how a proper lady should be. Miley is not a properly lady in my book she's trash. What women goes to an award show showing her ass crack. That's not a lady. It all started for me back at the 2013 VMA's. Just the performance made me want to turn it off. Even the Smith family was sitting there like what the hell.

I think the best part of 2015 was Nicki Minaj called her out. I was hoping a fight would brew or something. In the film part of showing Miley's reaction you could clearly tell she was trying to cover her own ass cause if she had really spoke her mind her ass would have been beat. Which I think needs to happen cause then she might get some sort of sense in her brain. The second highlight I got to see a few of my favorite drag queens from Rupaul I thought that was cool. If I had the opportunity to go to an awards show I'm not going to go though dressed with just silver suspenders covering my tits and a string skirt and whatever she called that to cover up her anus. Funny thing is this outfit well all her outfits were considered worst dressed of the night. If that's not worst the same week she wore just a cape no shirt no bra no nothing. Making him uncomfortable as hell and he even asked her to put something else on. This made a ton of people very uncomfortable.

Stupidity of this segement she went out on the streets asking people what they thought of her and you know what majority said. They said that she is trash, she needs help, she needs jesus. Sad thing about this is all the criticism shes not going to consider. Her own daddy thinks she's trash.

This mother however sent something and said the things that I plan to do with my child. I will not let her out of the house if she plans to look or act like she has no sense. I plan to embarrass her like all the other parents have there kids for doing stuff. I will do whatever it takes to get it through this child's head that she does not dress like that.

In my personal opinion Miley needs to be put in an institute. What kind of person wears a plastic see thru dress that has plastic balls covering there genitals. That's not a dress that makes me think of a 4 year olds unfinished art project. And if any parent lets there child look like this or go out of the house looking like that then they need to be thrown in jail. That is what I call a neglected child. The neglecting? Not telling your child that that's not a lady.

Funny thing about this whole situation that has me laughing is that the next day after the VMA's it was reported Miley had a accident that caused the censor to happen. Really? Did you not expect Miley to do something like that? Look at who your talking about the woman that if she could would walk around outside nude and not give a living damn. When I heard it I thought wow and your surprised Miley did that? Are you stupid?

One point that made me laugh about this letter is this mother threatened to duct tape her daughter's mouth shut if she ever lets her tongue hang out like a overheated hound dog. That had me laughing and the best thing I can have for an insult now about Miley is she's nothing but a hound dog. The things this mom said is true. So, help me I see my child smashing her hips up against a mans pelvis there will be a busted head hers then his. Along with a your never going out again policy.

Once again this is not a lady Miley Cyrus will never be a lady but a little bitch who will one day burn out like a flame and be the nothing of a universe that has disrespectful kids of her own that hate her cause most of the world and the poll from this letter confirms that they hate her cause the only thing she is good at is spreading her legs, smoking dope, and acting stupid like a whore.

Wanna check out the full letter then hit the link below to see it:
Mother writes letter to daughter about Miley Cyrus.

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