Thursday, August 20, 2015

Trouble for the Duggars

You know them from 19 kids and counting a popular TLC show. Well you did know them. As if the Duggar family scandal wasn't bad it just got worst. A few months ago it was reported that Josh Duggar had been reported for molesting four of his younger siblings and a baby sitter.

A very popular site for men to cheat on there spouse the ever so popular Ashley Madison. This site has been having a scandal of its own. It got hacked. The hackers took every bit of information from names to credit card infos. Why did these hackers hack this popular website? Well to expose the liars and cheaters to this world. One of those names was Josh Duggar.

The first part to this that makes it interesting is he didn't have but one account he had TWO. Sad thing is to this one of those accounts was linked to grandmother's address. The second sad thing to this store is so he was insured an only meet he paid 250 dollars.

This man has a lot of things great in his life and in the past year or so he has thrown it all away and the only thing he can say is yes he has a sex problem. Let's not forget that he claims with the rape accusations he stated that he was curious about his siblings and just touched them in there sleep over their clothing.

Josh had an interview with a police officer named Joseph Hutchins who was convicted of having child pornography on him. In an interview Josh Duggar stated that he was asking Christ for forgiveness but yet he's on a dating site solely for cheating spouses. This just makes this one of the most interesting scandals ever that I've heard of in my life.

My thought on this is (and I'm a person who has been hurt and cheated on multiple times) why would you give up a good life to throw it away for so many stupid mistakes? Why would you sit there and ask for Christ's help when your turning around on a cheating site and looking to cheat on your wife? Because if I correctly remember no adultery was one of the ten commandments. Maybe instead of seeking the way of the Christian help you seek professional help because it sounds like you need help and shame on your parents for taking the route.

The Duggar parents claimed the girls were in no harm while there son was touching there daughters. As a mother of a little girl and a victim of rape. It's not ok it's not safe. If they could think about the damage this has probably done to those girls they would say its not ok. If someone did this to my child I would be beating someone I would be pressing charges doing everything in my power to make sure this incident didn't happen again. I would be making sure the man got help because I believe that anyone who can even think that a child is remotely sexy and can get off of that needs a head scanned.
I think not only Josh needs help but the Duggar family parents to let this go on and not think of there daughters safety all of there safety.

My next point on this is I feel sad for his wife. This scandal this new one he probably wasn't thinking how much it would hurt her. No man or woman does when there cheating. Unless they truly wanted to be with that person. If you were wanting to explore your sexuality do it before your married or OR don't get married and explore but don't cheat its hurtful not just to the spouse but to the kids involved. So it's kinda sad to think of the stuff she's going through. Especially, knowing now the insurance he put down to get a woman off this site.

The only funny thing to this is the joke on the people on this site cause comes to find out Ashley Madison was one big huge scam. Half the women profiles on this site weren't even real it was just a way for people to get rich. So, men can sit there talking to fake people thinking there going to get lucky. So, in honesty cheaters and liars jokes on you.

Want to know more about this huge scandal here's a link to one of the many articles:

Friday, August 14, 2015

Class Disruption like No Other

What better kind of class disruption then another classmate watching a porno. I no joke you on this story. So, this student is sitting in this big auditorium classroom and he has headphones. He's not watching or focusing on the lesson oh no he's focusing on a porno. Sad thing is the headphones weren't plugged in.

So, in the middle of this whole lecture all of a sudden you hear moaning. The guy realizing he's been caught and being laughed at for it just closes his laptop and runs out of the class.

I know it's mean to laugh but WHAT?!? First off a classroom isn't a place to look at your porn. Your spending thousands of dollars to sit in a giant classroom and learn not to watch porn. Second off why would you sit in a classroom and watch porn.

I'm not trying to be mean on this situation but I kind of see this as one of those did you eat you a bowl of stupid flakes this morning. Now the worst thing that can happen which if they hadn't yet they do now is the parents of this kid finding out.

My main problem is why would you go to class just to sit and watch porn and not your lessons? I admit I have adhd where my focus is a bit off but wow not even I would look at porn in class. I'd maybe text or IM or something on facebook and I think a lot of people wouldn't either.

I feel bad for the kid at the same time cause he is probably very very embarrassed right now. Especially with the whole class laughing at him. So, I'm chocking this to a aww and haha news article.

Hopefully maybe this will teach him that class isn't a place to watch your porn!!!!!

If you want to see the video of what happened click the link below to check out more details:

(As usual your free to comment below please keep it mature.)

Saturday, August 8, 2015

U.S. Coast Guard Finds Homemade Submarine

What could be the perfect way to start a Saturday than to read that United States Coast Guard busted Colombian drug runners after discovering a strange blue craft in the ocean. These runners were transporting 181 million dollars worth of cocaine to the US. While I'm grateful were able to stop one shipment of drugs entering the US this story has me thinking about all the ways drug dealers or anyone smuggle things into countries.

I've been watching the television show called Border Wars and the way some people smuggle drugs in are just crazy. They go up into cars and put this kind of extra storage hold in hopes that the feds won't discover it. Some work and then some fail to get through customs. 90% fail to be exact. It especially fails if the feds have an x-ray machine to x-ray your car and show. Most of the time they catch people because the person or truck looks suspicious.

 There was this one episode of Border Wars where patrol men searched this cargo freight ship that had its cargo full of tons and tons of sugar. When patrol men intercepted the ship and unloaded every bit of the sugar they found a large quantity of Cocaine in the ship.

And it's not just illegal drugs people try to smuggle just a few months ago in England a little boy was being smuggled through a suit case. Last month a man was smuggling cow eyes from his work in his butt.

People get smuggled everyday from Mexico to the United States. These guys however got 200 miles from the coast of Mexico. The men from Colombia managed to put 16 tons of cocaine into a 40 foot vessel and still manage to float.

They were discovered by a U.S. Navy Plane. Which the Coast Guard reported that the vessel only had an exhaust pipe. They were unable to see where they were going due to this and as the Coast Guard was pulling them to shore the submarine flooded and sank to the bottom of the East Pacific Ocean.

This only allowed the coast guard to recover 12,000 pounds of the cocaine that was stored on this ship. So, good news for the ship is they had a energy blasted day. The total of Cocaine that was discovered to have been put on the ship was a total of 16,000 pounds of cocaine.

What was also discovered was smugglers have been using this method for over a decade.

As mentioned before drug smugglers are finding new ways to bring drugs into the U.S. whether its taping it to little kids or to their own crotch or making special places in cars to smuggle.

Now, what the patrol has to actually do is search the suspicious cars and they start off by taking a long mirror on a pole and running it along the car if something stand out they then run it through an x-ray machine. If that doesn't work they literally disassemble the car.

If you watch the tv show border patrols on national geographic you will actually see that they pull out just more then cocaine. They've found marijuana, pills, crystal meth, and these smugglers have hid them in the floor bored under the seats or they've found these extra pockets that have been put on cars.

This kind of way to smuggle makes you wander how many more ways they do to smuggle drugs into the world.

For a look more into the article or a picture of the craft click the link below to visit Bam Margera's page:

(Feel free to leave a comment below just please keep it mature)

Michigan Representative Covers Up Affair

So, apparently Michigan St. Representative Todd Courser decided to save his ass by fabricating a fake e-mail. The lie this representative tried to fabricate helps the scandal he really made not seem so bad. What is this scandal you ask. Well he decided to do the boinky boink with the other Michigan State Representative Cindy Gamrat. What he was using for the cover up in the e-mail was a fake nice well laid-out detail to send out to the public details of having sex with a male prostitute. The reason for this scandal is so the real affair he had with Ms. Cindy Gamrat wouldn't look so bad. I don't even know where to begin on all of this. Well, one I feel super bad for his spouse. I feel even more bad for Cindy Gamrat because what he did didn't make the affair look small but made it worse. What's even worse is the fact he had the affair with a colleague. Not only is this representative going to get hate mail, criticism of being a whore, but the loved ones of Todd's wife could be coming down hard on her. Plus, this puts them at a huge big risk of being fired because of how much this scandal causes. If you ask me instead of creating this horrendous yet stupid lie Courser should have just owned up to his wrong doings. Maybe it would have stayed private and not out in the world for everyone to know. My second opinion is if your going to lie at least make something a bit more viable that isn't going to ruin more then one person's life. My third point to this matter whats the point in lying. Everytime someone lies there digging a hole. When the same person lies to cover that lie they dig that hole deeper. This matter keeps going till finally the hole is big enough to be discovered. Not only have you made yourself unreliable. I'm pretty sure you have made yourself look like the world's biggest piece of poop. The part that makes me laugh on this matter is the lies people make a lot of them are farfetched and just weird. Like just today a man claimed his little Yorkshire dog saved him from sasquatch. A girl killed her best friend because Slenderman told her too. This representative could have slimply come out to his wife in a private matter of hey I had an affair with my colleague. I guess he was wanting a higher position than representative maybe senator or president who knows. What I do know is any future he has in politics is very gone. What I do know this man tried to lie by saying his affair was with a male prostitute. This is one of those stories that makes you wonder who else we have elected is liars. Some of you might think all of them are. Tonights question is a state your opinion. What do you think on this matter and all the people in high power that have lied or dipped there kahuna's somewhere else? For more information on this piece of news click the link below to see the article on fox news: (If you want please comment down below with your opinion and please keep it mature.)

Friday, August 7, 2015

Granny Ripper

You know when you think of a serial killer you think of some 30-50 something year old man who had a traumatic life story or a serial killer basically off the show of Criminal Minds. This story I just basically don't what to think. Normally when I hear about serial killers I sit here wanting to analyze there brains to figure out how they did it, why they did it, just get down to the needy greedy of the situation. This I just can't wrap the slightest idea as to why a 68-year-old woman would do it. 68-year-old Russian, Tamara Samsanova confessed to nearly a dozen murders. She was caught on hotel surveillance carrying pieces of her latest victims. If that doesn't take things to a new level it is being reported that feds are investigating her more thinking she feasted on the lungs and limbs. One of her victims was a 79-year-old lady she took care of. When asked Samsanova claimed she killed the woman over an argument about dirty dishes. The 79-year-old woman's head was discovered near a pond in St. Petersburg. When Samsanova wrote about she told authorities in writing that she gave the lady a heavy dose of sleeping pills and just started cutting off the limbs of the lady while she's still alive. So, I wonder did she kill her other victims cause they ticked her off or because they got into arguments with her? If so why eat the victims? I've heard serial killers like to take trophies from their kills kind of like a hunter mounting his/her latest kill on his wall or if your like the other ruthless killers lately posting the pictures of the kill on facebook(and look at how much hate they get to today). I'm guessing also one thing that comes with the classic serial killer is the diary Samsanova kept of everyone of her kills. In my book this is the first Russian serial killer I've ever heard of. Most bad guy Russians I hear of are the ones who are armed weapons dealer, money embezzlers, or the big muscle gallots you see in a tv show. This is also probably in my book the oldest serial killer I've ever heard of. Part of me wonders if she wanted to be like the kind of copy cat who copies a supernatural creature because they want to be one. Like the serial killers who drain the victim of blood and keep the containers in the fridge. Like the schizophrenic from criminal minds who actually did that. My next wonder is is she sitting in the holding cell tonight laughing and feeling accomplished of her crime or is she giving up her kills because she's asking for help. I've heard in some episodes of criminal minds that the killer is doing the coming into light and becoming sloppy because there seeking help to stop the killing. I actually remember this one episode where this girl killed in a set of 3 because that's how her OCD worked and I've heard of a few real life serial killers killing because of their OCD or people have killed like this for worshiping satan. I'm not talking about the ones who worship satan and sit in there rooms worshiping satan but the ones who go completely far as to try to sommon the devil himself or the ones who kill for a ritualistic ordeal for him. It is being said that this investigation has led to looking in more depth of a few more possible murders that could go back as 12 years. One of those murders her husband who went missing in 2005. Being the fact that I have a big heart but I have a mind like Nancy Drew. I kind of feel sad for the woman but at the same time I'm interested to investigate and see why this woman did it. Next point about this topic is how the news media will handle this. Most people are going to say "oh great its another psycho off their meds". In this situation its mostly true. Serial killers can range from someone back from Iraq with ptsd(post traumatic stress disorder) or even a normal civilian with ptsd to a normal civilian who has had a troubled past. Now not to name names but there was one serial killer who murdered 49 women. Another serial killer murdered prostitutes and his reason was because when he was little his mommy had sex with a different man every night right next to him in the same bed while he was sleeping. This is why everytime I think of a serial killer I wonder what happened to them. Here's a list of thing that might happen in the next coming months: a. This woman is more than likely going to go to trial and plead insanity. b. As the authorities get more and more into this case theres a likely chance theres going to be a hefty body count. c. It's more then likely going to spark not a big news controversy but a debate on some form of news show. My question tonight is: Why do you think some serial killers do the killing? For a link to the site to see more info on our Granny Ripper just click the link below: (As usual you guys are more then welcome to post your opinions and comments and answers down below in the comments. As usual please keep things in a mature manner.)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Meth Lab in Taco Bell

 So, apparently 2 men were arrested after a Meth Lab was found in an Iowa Taco Bell. Now, I've heard of people having a Meth Lab in there homes but in a Taco Bell? That's really a first I've heard. I've seen a Meth Lab exploding but that was on the tv show ER or farms where illegal marijuana was grown. Heck! Were going through one of those issues here close to my home of this huge marijuana was found on some man's farm.

This kind of situation it makes me think about all the crap a bunch of restaurants do. Like our local taco bell's closing shift con there boyfriends into helping them clean the restaurant for 6 free chicken quesadilla's. Our local mcdonalds use to trade mcdonalds burgers and fries for large pizzas from our local papa john's. Our local Wendy's use to serve fresh cut fries from green potatoes.  This is just one example of how franchisee owners do not pay attention or check in on there businesses. Some restaurant's managers don't do complete cleans on the restaurants until a big inspection is do.

It's good summer jobs for the high school kids yes gives them a bit of extra dough in the pocket to buy this cute sweater on this clothing rack or to take a lovely hott girl out on a date. On this article a  Taco Bell representative released this statement on their website:

"We understand that two people, one an employee, entered our franchisee's restaurant illegally, allegedly possessing suspicious items. Both we and our franchisee find this completely unacceptable. Our franchisee has been cooperating with Cedar Rapids Police to investigate this isolated incident. Although the suspicious items found in the restaurant were not used in the kitchen, the employee has been terminated and our franchisee is considering pressing criminal charges. The restaurant will reopen after it has been sanitized and inspected by the Health Department."

If this isn't bad what about the hidden camera found in the woman's bathroom at Starbucks? This is another example as to how much the franchisee owners care for there stores. Some man filmed people peeing in a public bathroom and an 8 year old little boy found it.

Funny part is that makes this whole situation sad is that the best the company is doing is terminating this guy and going to press charges. What they don't do is sit down with the Board of Directors (and any situation like this) and they don't think "hmmm how can we make this situation not happen again or any of these?"

My question for this:
Do you think something should be done to make restaurant's more sanitary and safe?

 If you would like to see the article for yourself here you go:

(Don't forget if you'd like to then please feel free to comment below. If you'd like to as well you are more then welcome to share this article with your friends and get there opinions. Just please keep it mature cause well after all were all adults.)

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Theater Shooting Close to Home

For a few years now we have heard about this on issue happening in the world. The major one the shooting in Colorado. What some of us probably don't expect to hear is that its hit close to home. Most theater shootings have a few people who have lost their lives. On August 5 a man entered the Hickory Hollow carmike 8 theater into where they were showing Mad Mike.

2 police officer of the metro police department were already at the scene of a vehicle accident. At 1:15 pm these officers were approached by a few people from the movie theater claiming that a suspect was inside the theater. This suspect had a gun, axe (hatchet), 2 backpacks and a surgical mask. Responding to this claim the police officers went into the theater. Inside the showing was a total of 8 people and a total of 20 on the property at the time.  When police officers responded into the screening the suspect fired a shot at the two officers the officers responded by firing back.

 This threat lasted for a total of 40 minutes when SWAT Team members shot the suspect and the suspect was claimed deceased. This suspect had gone into the movie theater and sprayed the whole theater with pepper spray. As for victims a 58-year old man was hit in the arm by the axe(hatchet) but it was a minor laceration and the victim will be doing fine. 2 females a 17-year old and 53-year old were sprayed directly in the face with the pepper spray. All 3 victims were treated as non-life threatening injuries and released. Only the male made a statement about the attacks and respectfully asked that everyone let them have there privacy so there family can cope with this tragedy that has happened. Which I completely and understand cause if the same thing had happened to e I would respectfully ask the same thing.

As for the suspect. It was first acclaimed that this suspect was a 51-year old white male. It was then later stated after much look into it that the suspect was then claimed to be 29-years old. The suspect Vincente Montano a resident of Nashville had been in trouble with the law before in 2004 for assault and resisting arrest. In the same year the man was committed to a health clinic twice in the same year. He was once again in 2007 commited to the health clinic twice that year. In 2006 Vincente had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

Now, I have never personally seen anyone who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia do some of the bad things they do. Really the only time I saw schizophrenia at its worst is the episode of ER where the schizophrenic patient took the cake knife that was going to be  used for a Valentines Day cake. The man turned around and stabbed a medical student and ER resident doctor.

The man involved in the incident today his mom claimed she hadn't talked to him since March 2013. I don't really know what to think. Maybe he had gone off his meds. It's many different possibilities we will never know. However one theory I do ponder is maybe he didn't intend to really do it to hurt people or be a theater shooting copycat. In my theory I think he maybe wanted to end things and just couldn't do it himself.

One of the things that led me to this conclusion was it was discovered that the gun he had on him was nothing more then a airsoft pistol. Another thing that happened was that bomb squad was dispatched because there was something in the 1st backpack Vincente wore on his chest. It had a item that looked a bit suspicious to the police. What the police decided to do was go on and detonate (blow up the backpack) to see the item. After this took place the police discovered that the item was nothing but a hoax bomb.

So, there was a few things that took place and with the paranoid schizophrenia he probably felt backed into a corner by the 3 victims and the police and it basically spiraled out of control. One thing I do know is that just like the Colorado shooting this was something that was planned out. Which has led me to also believe that is was a way for him to end his life. One thing I do know is that being the big hearted person I am my heart, my sympathy, thoughts, and prayers go out to his family and to the victims who were involved.

My question for this piece of news is:

How do you handle hearing bad news that hits close to home?
(I know some are going to say oh well I just go on about my day but still its nice to hear your opinion on matters like this)

If you'd like to learn more about this piece of news here's a link to News Channel 5 article:

(Don't forget if you'd like to then please feel free to comment below. If you'd like to as well you are more then welcome to share this article with your friends and get there opinions. Just please keep it mature cause well after all were all adults.)

37-year-old Tarzan

 37-year-old John Rodenborn (this name to me sounds strangely familiar I don't know why) was caught Tuesday August 4, 2015 swinging from Santa Ana Zoo trees. He went swinging and entering the zoo's animal exhibit's, while shirtless, claiming he was Tarzan. Now, ontop of being shirtless he was also covered in mud. When Santa Ana police arrived he was found climbing into a tree claiming he was trying to have a good time.

Zoo director Kent Yamaguchi asked Mr. Rodenborn to get down. Mr. Rodenborn had other plans as he did a lap and perched himself atop the waterfall of the black howler monkey exhibit. When finally caught police managed to confiscate crystal methamphetamine from Mr. Rodenborn (who was under the influence of crystal meth as well). After a bit police managed to arrest Mr. Rodenborn and charged him with minor charges of possession and being under the influence of a controlled substance and trespassing.

 Ok, I have seen times and heard of times where crystal meth and well any kind of controlled substance can make you act a certain way. Just like you have your many different kind of people when it comes to liquor. With alcohol you have the 'I love you', the angry, or the partier type of person. Drugs and meth work pretty much the same way but can be more harmful with your body and your social life. It can make us drive dangerous or make us hurt the people we love.

Never have I ever though heard of someone doing this. I mean including the angry rage people this guy just takes the cake for now. Well at least in my book takes the cake. Another thing I wanted to point out about this is that when you see the guys mugshot he looks like a. he can't feel a thing and b.he feels like he's on cloud nine with the birds.

Me, however if I plan to drink (which is all I ever do is drink rarely) I set myself limits so there's not a chance that I can get myself in trouble. As a teenager and I had my little rebellion from a lot of things in my life I got plastered bad to where I was a wild hyper person but becoming a mom I've set myself limits so a. I can stay safe and b. I don't get in trouble with the law. What kind of strategies do you use to be responsible when you are drinking or doing some of the things you do?

Want to know more about this news article or see a picture of Mr. Rodenborn you can check out the link below and see what I'm talking about:

(Don't forget if you'd like to then please feel free to comment below. If you'd like to as well you are more then welcome to share this article with your friends and get there opinions. Just please keep it mature cause well after all were all adults.)

The World Around Us

All around us. Whether it is Facebook or twitter or in the simple newspaper we continuously see news articles or breaking news. Sometimes that news can be horrendous or it can be plain and simple what the hell. I plan to talk about these stories with a bit of my own opinion and then will let you guys give your opinion on the matter. Sometimes I'm able to find the corny news articles or I might just something that is tragic.

So, I'm hoping you guys enjoy and hoping you guys can stay civil without wanting to kill each other. I know I'm going to get hate comments some good and some just really interesting but come on guys lets remember were adults and should act our ages. So, my request is to please please please not attack one another or me and just keep it real with your own opinions.

