Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sneaky Little Penguins in Denmark

Lately I have been doing a bunch of negative posts ones with crimes so I figured today I do something a bit positive. Penguins of Madagascar awesome kid movie.

I think maybe these penguins might have been shown this movie. In this 35 second clip 5 penguins are caught on camera walking down a hallway opposite of their enclosure. When they got caught they made a nice little U-turn and headed back for their enclosure.

Everyday on youtube we see videos of these animals doing something funny. We see them interact with kids in video and some of these videos are even frightening to some.

Then we see videos like these and were reminded how some animals are the cutest and adorable.

This video has been viewed 150,000 times since Nov 10 and it's still trending. So, here is a little cuteness for you guys.

Sneaky Little Penguins in Denmark

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