Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Children in Congress

We mourn the loss of those in the Orlando, Florida shooting. 50 people shot and killed in a club that was known as a gay club. People stood around the world in a moment of silence for these victims. Countries lit up national monuments in the LGBT colors and waved the LGBT flag with pride. All except for one group of people. During a congress session there was a moment of silence held for these fallen victims. This moment of silence was started with DEMOCRATICS walking out of the session and then when a gun law was proposed screamed where is the bill. When I heard about this on the news I was completely and 100% upset over this. APPARENTLY, we hired children in congress. So, what person has decided to be homosexual. So, what if a person wants to live there life loving the same sex. That shouldn't be why you act like a 5 year old and storm off mad because Congress wanted to PAY RESPECTS for those who lost their lives. That shouldn't matter. What should have mattered is human beings lost their lives. These victims are another person just like you and just like me. They have flesh, they have skin, they bleed, they breathe, they eat, they sleep they just love different just like us!!! I hope these Democrats will get off what ever high horse or pedestal or whatever they have placed themselves on on this issue will one day look at how stupid they acted for walking out on a moment silence for humans who lost their lives. HUMANS who can never do a lot of things in life now. These victims were a brother, a sister, a father, a mother, they were someone's family member, someones loved one and now they were ripped away from that person. Instead of holding to your values on how you see a person for who they choose to love. Have respect for them the decency to bow your head in silence and give them respect because they lost there lives. One of them could have been you niece or nephew your daughter your son. They could have been one of your family members. You showed not only are you a 5 year old and not an adult but that you have no heart for humanity for those who are different than you. There's a saying in life that for every action there's a consequence. One day kharma is going to catch up to you on this. You say that GOD wouldn't want this GOD sees this as a sin but do you think GOD wants to see you walking out in a moment of silence for not just gay, lesbian, bi, people but for humans. Humans he created with his bare hands. It's said in a book our lives are planned before were born. So, GOD helped someone decided whether they would be a homo, hetero, pan. Ever stop to think of that? If GOD saw homo's as a sin do you think he would have allowed them to be put here on earth? Sometimes in life we need to stop and consider other facts . The What Ifs....Help me send this blog around the world so we can show these Democratic yahoo's how much of children there being. Let's stick it to these democratic yahoo's and tell them that LGBT is here and no matter how hard they try it will always be here in some shape or form.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sneaky Little Penguins in Denmark

Lately I have been doing a bunch of negative posts ones with crimes so I figured today I do something a bit positive. Penguins of Madagascar awesome kid movie.

I think maybe these penguins might have been shown this movie. In this 35 second clip 5 penguins are caught on camera walking down a hallway opposite of their enclosure. When they got caught they made a nice little U-turn and headed back for their enclosure.

Everyday on youtube we see videos of these animals doing something funny. We see them interact with kids in video and some of these videos are even frightening to some.

Then we see videos like these and were reminded how some animals are the cutest and adorable.

This video has been viewed 150,000 times since Nov 10 and it's still trending. So, here is a little cuteness for you guys.

Sneaky Little Penguins in Denmark

Friday, November 13, 2015

87-year old Nazi-oma

Back Story:

So, apparently 87 year old Ursula Haverbeck has been sentenced to 10 months in jail for denying that the woman says the Holocaust was a big lie.

It was said to believe that Auschwitz was a death camp that killed 11 million people. It's also said that the glaciers had a private cave that Nazi scientist hid in after the war. The supposed death camp has never been proven that it was a death camp.

Either way is it really worth sending an 87 year old woman to 10 months in prison?

This whole mess got started when Ms. Haverbeck made an appearance on television declaring, “The Holocaust is the biggest and most sustainable lie in history.” This woman is a noted Holocaust denier. She's chaired in a committee that was shut down in 2008. Ruling came down on Thursday claiming the woman was a lost cause. Apparently it's a crime in Germany to deny the Holocaust.

My opinion:

Now I don't deny that the Holocaust happened cause there's so much evidence to prove it did happen. There are a few people who were in the camps and saw with their own eyes what happened and the things they described that just can't be made up.

My point on this is that a 87 year old woman is in jail for 10 months because she stated her opinion. What was the point of freedom of speech, having rights if you can't use them. Another thing about this matter is I've heard in the news how people are NOW being tried for being a Nazi during the Holocaust. Most them died before the evidence is coming together.


A 90 year old man is on trial for this. 90 YEARS OLD!!!!

Why are we worrying about the justice of it NOW when we should have worried about it the years following the Holocaust?

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The 2015 Witch Trials

One of our favorite holidays is coming up. Halloween. The time to dress your kiddies up and take them around for candy. A time for horror movies and a time to reacquaint our selves with creatures and all that. One of those things is witches but this post isn't about Halloween. This post is about a video that went viral. 4 women  were accused of being witches in Papua New Guinea. These women were stripped naked, tied up, burned, and beaten because one boy fell ill.

The accusation said that these four women 'invisibly' took out the man's heart and later put it back in his body after they were tortured. In the mob's eyes this made them guilty. A PNG Source, involved in rescues of victims of sorcery-related violence, claimed that there was no way for these women to prove there innocence. Once a person is suspected the person is done for, either claim they have there just going to be tortured and possibly killed.

One of the women begged, pleaded for her innocence stating "I am a mother of 5 children" The woman of ill boy just yelled burn her. It hasn't been confirmed but reported that one of the women died after the ordeal. This isn't the first instance that these people have done this it's numerous.

The PNG Government in response to the violence acts has created a National Action Plan against Sorcery Accusation Violence. The only thing left to do is to implement it effectively and as soon as possible by everybody that is concerned. Due to this Action Plan however it has cause an increase in anger among the Papua New Guineans because the attackers are going unpunished.

The PNG claims, “There’s no logic going on in the matter … To try to talk logically, even to students, doesn’t really get you very far. They say, we have evidence and you ask what kind of evidence and they say it’s invisible evidence you can’t see it"

Take in remembrance that this video was taken by a smartphone because they were participants in this violent act. This video was made to brag about the beatings and burning. This video was to have proof of the actions that are being taken against these women.

Now I don't plan to show you guys the images or the video on this blog but you can check it out on the Daily News website. Here's the link.


My question to ponder on this matter:

Do you think they did this to protect their loved ones because there scared?

Do you feel this is the right thing for these people to do?

Do you think it's right that people like high school students should be supporting this?

Friday, October 2, 2015

Life and Personal Bubbles

    All most all of us do this and that's take advantage of life. Yesterday 10 lives were taken and this morning on the View Candace Cameron hit it directly on the nail. She said, "Life is like a vapor. It’s so fast. We don’t know if we have tomorrow. We’re thankful if we’re breathing today." We all should be thankful. We should be thankful the minute we open our eyes because were able to breathe able to live one more day.
   You just had a bad break-up. While you sit there and think how much you want to die or crawl under that rock to never live life you should feel blessed that your here standing, breathing. You were just in a serious car wreck and you totaled your brand new car your parents gave you. Your sitting there in a hospital bed worried about the totaled car when you should be happy your alive and ok. For every bad moment that happens you should at least be thankful your still here.

   Candace mentioned that her daughter asked "what if I'm afraid to go to school". Candace said that she had to turn to her faith that Jesus will protect her. Now we all have our faith, our beliefs but the point of it was that were not stopping to think how lucky we are.

   If you don't believe me just look in your local news. Everyday you see murder, robbing, sexual assault.

  In this same segment they talked about Raven Symone mentioned we all have this pattern life. Have you noticed that most of the time mass shootings are because the person had a kind of problem with them? The theater shooting a few months ago here in Tennessee that man had a few issues and had been off his meds for a bit.

  This man was no different then that man he was sick and needed help and people noticed it but they said nothing or did nothing. Most of us do this even kids in school do this and that's stay in there personal bubbles. No one takes the time to stop and do something. Like a kid being bullied at school. Your going to see one person holding a camera and watching, one kid laughing, people walking by, and one person stopping to stare because they feel sorry for that kid. That same one person is going to sit there and is going to wish to say something but is going to be too scared to.

 This has me thinking maybe it's ok every now and then to step out of the comfort zone and try something new. Which once again is referenced to the taking life for granite. Most people are going to sit and waste there time doing nothing all day or playing video games all day when they can turn off the computer and go outside. Do something to make you say that you have joyous memories in your life and you didn't let it pass you by.

Candace Cameron hitting it on the nail.

That's My Barbecue Rib

       61 year old Ethel Jane Banks has been charged with aggravated assault for beating up her brother over some barbecue ribs.

      As what started out as sibling arguments to Ms. Banks taking the argument to a new level by charging at her brother with a butcher knife. If this isn't the first time the police haven't been called to the residence back in June they had to call the authorities for another argument between Ms. Banks and another family member.

     Now we see them all the time or we hear about them and that's sibling squabbles or sibling rivalries but this takes it to a new level and it's not over a toy nor is it over hammy downs or something that happened when they were little. It's over food.

     Now, I can't make full judgment because I don't know there past history nor do I know if there was more or if it was just one. Maybe it's one of those love hate relationships? Maybe it's a there forced to live with each other ordeal? Who knows on the full story.

   What I do know is that wouldn't it have been better to just go get another rack of ribs or maybe the brother should have gotten his own. The bad thing I see on this is that there grown adults. This woman is 60 and trying to kill her brother over food. Don't you normally see that in squabbling younger siblings? Like in the 3-10 year old range?

For more details check out the article below:
Texas woman beats brother over food.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hazing Gone Wrong

Let me picture this for you. Your a freshman in school the first chapter to your life without the parental. Your first little bit of freedom. You have the clubs, the classes, the activities, and the fraternities and sororities. Lately fraternities have not been getting that much of good publicity. From rape victims to this piece of news here.

Michael Deng was a freshman in New York just like most college students he was wanting to get into a fraternity. Most fraternities hazing's are not bad but this fraternities hazing it's out there. The fraternity Pi Delta Psi carries there freshman pledges out to a retreat in Pennsylvania, makes them strip down to just them run in this forest area with heavy backpacks, blindfolded, and the possibility of being tackled.

Deng suffered a serious head injury which was his cause his death. Along with the fact that this fraternity didn't get him immediate medical care. Now since this the fraternity has disbanded but in the process of this 37 fraternity members + five people have been charged with criminal homicide, involuntary manslaughter, aggravated assault and other charges. Others face assault charges as well as criminal conspiracy, hazing and hindering apprehension.

In other news where I live I've been following the Vanderbilt rape case. Where members of a fraternity at Vanderbilt University drugged a woman and raped her. This kind of situation is the thing happening with most fraternities.

I've read on most news websites that there are fraternities who are using date rape drugs, doing a bunch of stuff that's not mature and adult. I've seen first hand some hazing things like at the college I went to I saw a group of men in socks and underwear having to run around the whole campus and it was a chilly night.

There's tons of colleges doing this I've even seen hazing portrayed on television shows from fraternities even some as what Pi Delta Psi did. Shouldn't this be some sort of eye opener to ALL colleges? Maybe someone needs to make sure these college's sororities and fraternities know how to stay mature and not like little kids.

Maybe this is a lesson to all fraternities and sororities that you can get in trouble if you don't pay attention, do the right thing, and be responsible. Just because it's a hazing doesn't mean you shouldn't make sure your pledges are safe. The boys running around the campus half naked they could have been thrown in jail for that stunt or worse could have gotten hypothermia.

Hazing Gone Wrong