Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Children in Congress

We mourn the loss of those in the Orlando, Florida shooting. 50 people shot and killed in a club that was known as a gay club. People stood around the world in a moment of silence for these victims. Countries lit up national monuments in the LGBT colors and waved the LGBT flag with pride. All except for one group of people. During a congress session there was a moment of silence held for these fallen victims. This moment of silence was started with DEMOCRATICS walking out of the session and then when a gun law was proposed screamed where is the bill. When I heard about this on the news I was completely and 100% upset over this. APPARENTLY, we hired children in congress. So, what person has decided to be homosexual. So, what if a person wants to live there life loving the same sex. That shouldn't be why you act like a 5 year old and storm off mad because Congress wanted to PAY RESPECTS for those who lost their lives. That shouldn't matter. What should have mattered is human beings lost their lives. These victims are another person just like you and just like me. They have flesh, they have skin, they bleed, they breathe, they eat, they sleep they just love different just like us!!! I hope these Democrats will get off what ever high horse or pedestal or whatever they have placed themselves on on this issue will one day look at how stupid they acted for walking out on a moment silence for humans who lost their lives. HUMANS who can never do a lot of things in life now. These victims were a brother, a sister, a father, a mother, they were someone's family member, someones loved one and now they were ripped away from that person. Instead of holding to your values on how you see a person for who they choose to love. Have respect for them the decency to bow your head in silence and give them respect because they lost there lives. One of them could have been you niece or nephew your daughter your son. They could have been one of your family members. You showed not only are you a 5 year old and not an adult but that you have no heart for humanity for those who are different than you. There's a saying in life that for every action there's a consequence. One day kharma is going to catch up to you on this. You say that GOD wouldn't want this GOD sees this as a sin but do you think GOD wants to see you walking out in a moment of silence for not just gay, lesbian, bi, people but for humans. Humans he created with his bare hands. It's said in a book our lives are planned before were born. So, GOD helped someone decided whether they would be a homo, hetero, pan. Ever stop to think of that? If GOD saw homo's as a sin do you think he would have allowed them to be put here on earth? Sometimes in life we need to stop and consider other facts . The What Ifs....Help me send this blog around the world so we can show these Democratic yahoo's how much of children there being. Let's stick it to these democratic yahoo's and tell them that LGBT is here and no matter how hard they try it will always be here in some shape or form.